Trans is a Latin word meaning across or the opposite side of. Trans Atlantic means across the Atlantic ocean or on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Transgender means the opposite of other “gender”. It is used for people who present as a different gender from what morphological appearance is. I was wondering if we could extend its usage.
For example, if a quack shows up as a doctor and starts treating the unsuspecting public, could we call him a trans-doctor? Or a religious leader, who has never written a book on religion or spoken in a scholarly conference with some of his scholarship, be called as trans-Maulana? Or a Mufti, who issues thousands of religious verdicts in his lifetime but in real life is known for extortions. After his death, his heirs fight for booty in his leftover wealth of about forty five million Rupees. Can or should we call him trans-mufti? An Imam, whose job is to lead prayers, and he molests his religious students should be called a trans-Imam; or perhaps a trans-pedophile?
We are indeed a great nation or shall I call it a trans-nation? Shouting claims to be all but what we are! Like our prime minister calling Pakistan a nation of beggars but when he goes on a begging spree, he rides in stretched limousines. He stays in seven-star hotels with his entourage of scores of poodles and their families. A trans-beggar, huh?
So the list goes on. Bureaucracy is meant to serve the people; instead, it looks after itself very well and leaves the public to fend for itself. If a watchman doesn’t protect his employers and rather pushes out the bloody owners and treats them with contempt (Trans-watchman). The civilian armed departments have a very strong system hand in hand in with criminals and still called out guards (trans-guards?).
The transgender act was passed in 2018. A total of only 12000 people have used this act to their benefit in a population of 220 Million. Parties which have almost zero representation in the Parliament, are crying hoarse over 0.0048% of people’s rights, leaving millions of other trans-populace. Why? I wonder?
- Aren’t We All Trans-Something? - 30/09/2022